Bird migration is one of the most active processes in the living world. Each year, during spring and autumn, millions of birds fly from one end of the Earth to the other.
Unfortunately, many birds are killed during this long journey, mainly due to illegal human activities and inadequate infrastructure.
Poaching, poisoning, electrocution and power line collisions are recognized as the main causes of bird casualties during migration alongthe Adriatic Flyway, which is an important part of the Euro-African Flyway. Also, due to human-caused fires, hundreds of thousands of acres of habitats where migratory birds can rest and feed during migration are lost.
In addition, due to fires, which are mainly the result of illicit ignition by humans, migratory species remain in the hundreds of thousands of acres of habitat suitable for rest and foraging during migration.
On the occasion of World Mgratory Bird Day, we wish to point out the problems birds encounter during migrations, and ask the competent ministries and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina to harmonize their activities with international agreements such as the Convention on the Protection of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds(AEWA).
We invite our fellow citizens to engage in reporting and prevention of activities affecting birds and their habitats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Birdwatchers’ Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina:Ornthological Society „Naše ptice“,Society for Research and Protection of Biodiversity, Society for nature protection and sustainable development „Naša baština“, Youth Centar New Wave, Center for Environment, Ecological society „Lijepa Naša“, Society for Protection of Birds and Nature „Čaplja“