On Thursday, March 2, in Mostar, the Center for Environment held a workshop on the topic of urban mobility in the region, that is, the challenges and needs of advocacy in this field. At this workshop, the present representatives of the relevant departments of municipalities and cities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as citizens’ associations, had the opportunity to listen to presentations by three lecturers and to discuss the presented topics.
Therefore, Tena Šarić Rukavina, on behalf of the Cyclists’ Union from Zagreb, presented the challenges that this association has faced through its 12 years of advocacy, while Anita Pažin Lučić presented the projects and measures implemented in the city of Mostar in the last year.
Mazalica from the Novi Sad Bicycle Initiative, with a presentation titled “How many years do we need to transform the city?”, based on the example of Novi Sad.
In addition to the presentation and discussion, the participants had the opportunity to take part in a joint field visit to the city of Mostar, and to see some of the presented measures live. “Unfortunately, the opening of the NextBike public bicycle system in this city was postponed from March 1st to the end of March, and the participants of the workshop did not have the opportunity to make a field visit by bicycle, but we are sure that the system will come to life – especially considering the number locations – and that there will be opportunities for such a thing in the future” – added Dragan Kabić, the Transport program coordinator at the Center for Environment. This activity was carried out as part of the ClimaSUM project.
This activity was carried out as part of the ClimaSUM project.
The CLIMASUM project deals with issues of the future of mobility in the context of sustainability, participatory approach, and priority strategies for the future of Europe, through smart, sustainable, and innovative mobility planning in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI).