The Final Proposal of the Management Plan for the Brown bear population in Republika Srpska will be drafted by August 2021. The members of the Working group for drafting this document pointed out that more than half of the working material is ready and that they are actively working on its finalization.

“Dedicated and professional work of the Working group members is a guarantee that this, the first ever developed management plan for a particular species in Republika Srpska, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be completed in accordance with the deadlines and hopefully with quality that will be above expectations.” , pointed out Aleksandra-Anja Dragomirović, Coordinator of the Biodiversity and Protected Areas program at the Center for Environment, member of the Working group and Coordinator of the project “Protection of brown bears in the Dinarides”, within which the Management Plan for brown bears is being implemented.

The Working group were appointed by a Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republika Srpska after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (on joint work on drafting a Management Plan for the Brown bear population in Republika Srpska) between this institution and the Center for Environment in early 2020. The Memorandum of Understanding stipulates that the “Working group is composed of eight members, representatives of competent institutions, but also civil society organizations dealing with nature protection.”

In the previous time, the members of Working group took over the work on the tasks development and completed them responsibly and within the set deadlines, despite the limitations of working conditions caused by the pandemic. In the period from May to December 2020 three official working meetings of the members of the Working groups were held, which defined the guidelines for collecting and analyzing the available data but also writing the chapters of this management document.

The Project is implemented by the Center for Environment with the financial support of the German foundation EuroNatur and will last until the end of 2021.

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There is no ongoing projects in "Our space" programme at the moment.

Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

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