Premijera filma “Bliha i njeni ljudi” koji je sniman tokom proteklog ljeta u produkciji Centra za životnu sredinu u sklopu kampanje “Stop prljavoj energiji, budućnost je obnovljiva” održana je u sinoć u staroj vijećnici u Sanskom Mostu.

It is a documentary that shows the flow of the Bliha River, which collects stories, images, memories, specific activities, and activities of the participants in the film. Then, moving upstream, we follow human stories and learn about the river and this area with numerous natural and cultural-historical potentials. But, on the other hand, this area faces all of the above and one significant environmental challenge – dirty industry from coal exploitation in the Zlauša surface mine.

“We are glad that the film aroused interest because that was the goal – to wake up this community and launch an initiative to preserve their rivers. And to oppose the continuation of coal exploitation and pollution in this area early next year, when the public insight for the renewal of the environmental permit for Lager is planned”, said Majda Ibraković from the Center for Environment.

Majda Ibraković, CZZS.

Representatives of local associations and eminent professors, experts, artists and former government officials magnified the event with their presence in the packed Old Town Hall. The discussion after the film showed the great interest of those present to finally form an initiative or movement of citizens for environmental protection in Sanski Most because they agreed that the big shortcoming of the city on nine rivers is that there is no organization deal with burning current ecological issues.

“On my behalf, I would like to thank everyone who responded to the certainly significant event in Sanski Most. It was very emotional and moving for everyone present. 

“Great challenges and problems that people from Bliha introduce us to and concern us all. But also our region was suddenly left without a special man and a great fighter for nature protection, Senad Avdić from Gorice, a participant in the film that we dedicated this screening to … “, said Amila Saleš, a resident of Sanski Most, and also the moderator of the event.

She emphasizes that the film certainly cannot leave anyone indifferent and that it is an important tool in raising awareness and active participation in protecting and preserving nature in this area. Unfortunately, representatives of local authorities did not attend this event despite the invitation. Still, there were some councilors who, on this occasion, expressed interest in supporting the local community in the fight to preserve and protect the environment. 

The participants agreed that the protection of the Bliha River and other rivers of Sanski Most should be in the focus of attention of the competent institutions for future planning and sustainable development. Especially in the tourism sector, which is considered one of the greatest potentials of this municipality and Una-Sana Canton.

There is no ongoing projects in "Our space" programme at the moment.

Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

Ongoing project and activities Completed projects and activities

There is no ongoing projects in "Our space" programme at the moment.

Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

Ongoing project and activities Completed projects and activities

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