The preview of the film “This is our house” was held on Friday, January 28, at the Cultural and Sports Center (KSC) Kakanj. The film was produced by the Center for the Environment and signed by Lamia Sabic, Diogo Perreira and Luciano Perez Savoy. The screening was attended by about 60 people, citizens of Kakanj and film participants.
“This is our house” is a testimony of inhabitants and villages where coal has been exploited for almost a century. Emphasis is placed on nature and the people living in that area. These are the settlements of Mramor, Brnj, Slapnica, Ribnica, and Donji Kakanj. Through it, we are led uniquely by most voices because of the faces of the few who remained hidden from fear of condemnation, dismissal and fear that the exploitation process will not end.
One of the goals of this film is to put the perspective of coal-dependent communities on top of the list of priorities o both low and high levels of government by documenting and presenting their problems and demands.
The producers and directors of the film pointed out that, during the film’s shooting, they sent inquiries to many addresses of the institutions responsible for this issue but did not receive answers.
During the discussion after the film, those present pointed out that many Kakanj residents do not know about the environmental problems in their environment. Therefore, they must unite to fight for a healthier environment, especially inviting young people.
One of the participants stated that the film showed the importance of reconciling economic development with society and the environment. But unfortunately, Kakanj has not been the case for many years because there is no empathy for those responsible for solving the problem of the negative impact of the coal industry in this city.
Citizens believe that those responsible and competent in Kakanj will bear the consequences somehow because the residents of Kakanj have been outraged by this careless attitude for many years.
The absolute silence in the audience during the screening is an indicator of the film’s success. Impressions and comments from the audience gave additional impetus to continue the promotion and screening of the film.
The present participants expressed gratitude on their own behalf, wishing that this film would receive as much local and international attention as possible.
After Kakanj, screenings in Sarajevo and Banja Luka will follow in the coming period.