Environmental workshops for preschoolers were in the focus of the Environment Day celebration in Velika Gorica, Croatia on 31 May 2019. This event was a part of the 6th VGfest, and it was organized by the City of Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica Tourist Board and Public institution Green Ring. Other participants and workshop facilitators were representatives of various institutions and associations: Beekeepers’ Association Turopolje, Forest office Velika Gorica, associations BIUS – students of biology and BIOTEKA; and a freelance artist Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić.
The rich program brought together around 250 preschoolers from six different kindergartens. Innovative methods were used to introduce children to topics of waste management and nature protection, such as: sorting and recycling waste, life of bees and beehives. They also played “chase the invasive plants” where they learned the variety of domestic and invasive plants and threats they pose. At the workshop children came into contact with some unusual animals, such as cockroaches, scorpions, stick insects, snails and frogs.
Public institution Green Ring marked this event within the #SavaTIES project by playing the game of “dangerous” invasive alien plant species where children learned to recognize these unusual plants which “attack” and endanger our domestic plants. Education of local population, especially children is the important step in nature protection.