Name of the organisation: Center for environment
Name of the project: Healthy rivers: Citizens network for protection of the rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Program: Aarhus Center, CSO networking and capacity building
Location | Budget(EUR) | Coordinator or partner | Donor | Amount of contribution | Dates |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 21,456.00 | Partner | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through Transtiion Program | 17,298.00 | 1.1.2017. - 31.12.2017. |
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Description | Overall objective is to strengthen the capacities and cooperation of citizens’ initiatives for river protection. Specific objectives of the action are: To improve effectiveness of the participation of local citizens initiatives into decision making processes; To increase the public awareness via media, websites and publications; To increase the international pressure on Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities. Main results: · Functional citizens network for river protections; · The ability and effectiveness of citizens’ initiative to participate in the EIA process are strengthened; · Increased public involvement in decision-making processes at the local level; · Ability of journalists to write on environmental topics is improved; · Awareness of target groups about the negative aspects of the construction of hydropower plants is increased; · Increased pressure of international institutions and public on Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities to improve law enforcement. |