Name of the organisation: Center for Environment
Project title: Environmental Legal Clinic: Public participation in environmental decision-making in Bosnia and Herzegovina Sector: 41000, 41081, 92000
Location Cost of the action


Role:  Coordinator,

co-beneficiary, affiliated entity

Donors to the action (name)1 Amount contributed (by donor) Dates


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka 54,148 Co-beneficiary 1) Ministry of  Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic

2) Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic

3) Gekko Foundation

4) CCFD – Terre Solidaire,

5) Pro Natura (FoE Switzerland)


1)    47,074


2)    3,241


3)    899


4)    1,601


5)    1,332

1/1/2016 – 31/12/2016
Objectives and results of the action Objective: Strengthen civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina with regard to participation in environmental decision-making and create conditions for solving specific problems by legal means.

Specific objectives: 1. Increasing the potential of citizens to defend their rights in the field of environment; 2. Education of Young Lawyers for Public Support; 3. Enabling a more progressive approach to new legislation.


●       An environmental legal clinic created where law students provide consultation to citizens;

●       Tutorials established for independent solving of environmental problems aimed at local residents;

●       Young lawyers educated in the field of environmental and administrative law and EU legislation;

●       Progressive principles promoted for legislative amendments related to openness to environmental information and public participation in decision-making.

There is no ongoing projects in "Our space" programme at the moment.

Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

Ongoing project and activities Completed projects and activities

There is no ongoing projects in "Our space" programme at the moment.

Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

Ongoing project and activities Completed projects and activities

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