The first bilateral study visit and knowledge exchange on the protection, coexistence, and research of bears, between the Abruzzo Institute for Protected Areas (IAAP VVF) and the Center for Environment, was held over the past weekend, 12th and 13th of October.

In the protected area of the Abruzzo region, the Gole del Sagittario, lives the critically endangered subspecies of the brown bear, Ursus arctos marsicanus – the Apennine brown bear, with an estimated population of about 50 individuals in the wild.

As part of the study visit, participants toured local communities actively involved in coexisting with this large predator. A presentation on the Center for Environment’s activities related to the management and research of brown bears, as well as the promotion of coexistence, was prepared by Anja Dragomirović, and presented to the Italian colleagues by Tihomir Dakić.

“Our friends and colleagues from Italy prepared a series of activities through which we were able to get acquainted with their work on the Apennine brown bear, from the valuation process to building coexistence with this large predator. Workers in the protected areas are truly knowledgeable and guardians of the natural heritage of the Abruzzo region. We sincerely hope that next year we will have the opportunity to host our Italian colleagues and present them with our efforts and the challenges we face in researching, protecting, and coexisting with the brown bear in our country,” emphasised Tihomir Dakić.

This study visit certainly lays the foundation for continued cooperation and knowledge exchange. Special thanks go to IAAP coordinator Andrea Rosario Natale, Sefora Ignazi, director of the Riserva Regionale Gole del Sagittario protected area, as well as Samuele Giancarlini from the Campi Orso organisation.

During our stay in this small, picturesque town in Italy, we also held a brief meeting with the deputy mayor of Anversa.

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There is no ongoing projects in "Our space" programme at the moment.

Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

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