The training for researchers who will deal with the issues of Large Carnivores in the future (bears, wolves and lynx) was held from August 19 to 26 in the Sutjeska National Park, organized by the Center for Environment and the German EuroNatur Foundation and sponsored by the Bernd Thies Foundation from Switzerland. 15 young trainees from all over BiH participated in the training.

“We are particularly proud of the fact that we have received applications from 65 qualified young people from across BiH who have shown great interest in training in this specific field. Unfortunately, the number of participants was limited, so not everyone could take part in the training, but the encouraging fact is such a great interest, said Aleksandra-Anja Dragomirović, Coordinator of the project „Capacity building for large carnivore experts in Bosnia and Herzegovina” on behalf of the Center for Environment who has implemented this activity.

She emphasized that research on large carnivores is under-represented in our country, although the territory of BiH is very rich in these species of fauna in European contexts. The Large Carnivores as a particular scientific discipline is not a part of our existing study programs, but is a part of broader scientific fields.

“When we recognized the need for researchers to opt for this field, we decided to organize a seven-day training with the help of our partners together with the participation of local and international lecturers. We brought together ecologists, biologists, foresters, hunters and veterinarians, who exchanged knowledge and experience”said Aleksandra-Anja Dragomirović.

Center for Environment, as one of the implementers of the training, has returned to its beginnings. Exactly 20 years ago, the Center started its work under the name “Young Researchers of Banja Luka” – consisted from a group of students of the Faculty of Science within the University of Banja Luka, with the aim of promoting research and conservation of the environment and nature. Twenty years later, the Center once again brought together young people from all over BiH aiming to build theirs capacity how they can tackle Large Carnivores issues.

“Participants have received certificates of completed training, and in the coming period we expect them to be included in some of the projects and research dealing with Large Carnivores in BiH, and very certainly in the project” Protection of the brown bear in the Dinarides” which is currently implementing by the Center for Environment”, concluded Aleksandra-Anja Dragomirović.


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Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

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There is no ongoing projects in "Our space" programme at the moment.

Besides projects defined by programmes, Center for environment is actively working on other topics in the field of environment and on networking with other organizations at the regional and international level. In the section "Other Projects" we are presenting projects which are not related to the specific program.

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