Name of the organisation: Center for Environment
Name of the project: Initiative Our space – Seize the opportunity, create your space – a city of custom-made citizens
Program: Our space
Location | Budget (EUR) | Coordinator or partner | Donor(s) | Amount of contribution (by donor) | Dates |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 52,994.00 | Coordinator | Heinrich Böll Stiftung | 52,994.00 | 1.3.2015. - 30.11.2018. |
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Description | Objectives: 1) Raising awareness and educating citizens for independent, equal and high quality participation in urbanization processes based on the principles of sustainable development; 2) Professional and technical assistance to citizens to participate autonomously in the process of managing and using common spaces in the city of Banja Luka; 3) Transferring experience of civic initiatives and participatory planning beyond Banja Luka and networking of CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina active in the field of environment. Results: ● Increased awareness among citizens how important it is to include the public in the preparation of spatial planning documentation ● Adopted Guidelines for easier citizen participation and increased number of citizens’ comments on the arrangements for spatial planning in Banja Luka ● Cooperation with associations, informal groups of citizens as well as experts ● List created of possible conflicts between the existing and planned purpose of certain public areas ● Media releases in print and electronic media ● Implemented public debate simulation for citizens ● A participatory planning process carried out ● Workshops with representatives of CSOs in local self-government units across BiH on participatory planning ● A comparative analysis of the Spatial Plan of Banja Luka and regulatory plans ● Procedure for the amendment of the Statute and the Rules of Procedure of the City of Banja Luka Assembly started ● New website design Our space ( is designed and implemented ● Annual meeting of ecological organizations in BiH |